How much does the global pornography industry profit each year?

The global pornography industry is comprised of many sex-related businesses, including both legal and illegal physical and digital video sales, cable, pay-per-view, phone sex, exotic magazines, and novelty products. Altogether, the industry is estimated to profit around $97 billion annually. Of this total, approximately $13 billion comes from the United States, $3 billion of which is from internet pornography alone.

Put another way, every second, $3,075.64 is spent on the pornography industry.

One of the fastest growing global markets is child pornography. The UN estimates that the global child pornography industry alone profits upwards of $20 billion every year, $3 billion of which is related to the purchasing of pornographic photos. The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children estimates that 20% of all internet pornography is child pornography.
